Wednesday, December 23, 2015

BBG: Week 12 (Final) Update

Hey All!

Merry Christmas week! It's a very exciting week for me because Patrick and his family are visiting me in Chicago for the Holidays. I have been cleaning my apartment, grocery shopping, and present wrapping pretty constantly for the last four days so I'm looking forward to few days of relaxation, and then Patrick and I will be moving to a new apartment which we will eventually live in together. Big things!

I am going to keep it simple since I firmly believe this time of year is to be spent giving others PRESENCE. Real presence. Not, reading-a-blog-post-on-your-phone presence, but actually spending quality time, enjoying each other's company. So here's the update, real quick...

We made it through the Beach Body 12 week program, and we are both very happy with the results:

Before // After 12 Weeks

As you can see with both trimmed down a bit, and though it's hard to tell in the pictures we both gained a significant amount of muscle tone. Best of all, we feel great (though you can't tell by the look on my face)! I, for one, have tons of energy and feel like I have really mastered the art of making a workout a part of my day, rather than an optional activity. Sweating feels good.

We have yet to chose a new workout plan, and I think we will probably wait until our schedule gets back to normal after the holidays to delve too deep into anything new. However, on Monday I started the 12 week program over again, just to keep in rhythm. I was amazed at how much different the first workout felt now than it did when I first started. I even had to amp it up a bit!

Thanks for checking in guys! I hope your Christmas is magical and the New Year looks bright!

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